Contact Linsemao

If you have any feedback or questions, please leave a message here. You are also welcomed to send your inquiries through email to Please leave your username when sending emails. We will respond as soon as possible. Thank you!

Please do not comment repeatedly, otherwise your account will be deleted!!

617 Replies to “Contact Linsemao”

  1. I tried alipay but I have some problems with the app and I don’t now how TAKEFILE works can you explain the how to use it?

    1. 안녕,

      반복적으로 댓글을 달지 마십시오. 그렇지 않으면 귀하의 계정이 삭제됩니다! !
      30일 멤버십 쿠폰을 구매했으나 사용하지 않으셨습니다.
      쿠폰 사용을 도와드렸고 회원등급이 업그레이드 되었습니다.
      쿠폰을 다시 구매하시면 직접 사용해보세요. 쿠폰 사용 방법은 다음 글을 참고하세요.

      감사와 감사

  2. 업비트 사이트에서 주소로 출금 하려는데 주소가 안맞네요 네트워크 설정 어떻게 하나요?

    1. 안녕,

      귀하의 구매 정보를 확인했습니다. 성공적으로 구매하셨다니 기쁘네요. 즐거운 시간 보내시기 바랍니다.

      감사와 감사

  3. 비디오 다운로드는 90일 구매해야지 가능한가요??
    30일 맴버쉽으로 다운로드 불가능 인가요??

    1. Hello,

      You purchased TAKEFILE PREMIUM 30 days.
      Your membership has been upgraded and your membership period is 30 days, please enjoy it.

      Thanks & Regards

        1. Hi,

          Please do not comment repeatedly!! Otherwise your account will be deleted!!

          Sorry, your membership was not automatically upgraded due to a system failure. I have upgraded your membership, please enjoy it.

          Thanks & Regards

  4. Once your purchase is complete, go back to the file page and click the blue button [Create Download Link] to download your coupon.
    Where is the file page?

    1. Hi,

      Cryptocurrency payment orders will be automatically completed after 2 blockchain confirmations, which usually takes 1 hour, please wait!

      Thanks & Regards

    1. Hello,

      Your XRP transfer did not fill in the DESTINATION TAG, resulting in your membership not being automatically upgraded.
      I have upgraded your membership, please enjoy it.
      If you use XRP to pay again, please fill in the DESTINATION TAG.

      Thanks & Regards

    1. 안녕하세요,

      귀하의 멤버십이 자동으로 업그레이드되었습니다. 즐거운 시간을 보내시기 바랍니다.

      감사와 감사

    1. Hello,

      What is your payment method? If you purchased the coupon through TAKEFILE, you need to use it yourself!

      Thanks & Regards

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